- riboswitch
- рибопереключатель, РНК-переключатель* * *рибосвичрегуляторы генной экспрессии
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
Riboswitch — In molecular biology, a riboswitch is a part of an mRNA molecule that can directly bind a small target molecule, and whose binding of the target affects the gene s activity.cite journal | author = Tucker BJ, Breaker RR | title = Riboswitches as… … Wikipedia
Riboswitch — Sekundärstruktur eines Purin Riboswitches aus Bacillus subtilis Riboswitches sind RNA Elemente in den untranslatierten Regionen der mRNA, die niedermolekulare Metabolite binden und daraufhin die Genexpression regulieren. Sie können die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Riboswitch — Structure 3D du riborégulateur fixant la S adénosylméthionine[1] Un riborégulateur (riboswitch) est une structure d ARN présente sur un ARN messager et qui peut lier directement un ligand (une petite molécule). Cette fixat … Wikipédia en Français
riboswitch — noun A segment within the leading end of a messenger RNA transcript that is able to gauge the cells need for the protein encoded by the rest of the message, then to rearrange its shape to control whether that protein is manufactured For example,… … Wiktionary
Cyclic di-GMP-I riboswitch — GEMM cis regulatory element Predicted secondary structure and sequence conservation of GEMM RNA motif Identifiers Symbol GEMM RNA motif … Wikipedia
Cobalamin riboswitch — Predicted secondary structure and sequence conservation of Cobalamin Identifiers Symbol Cobalamin Rfam … Wikipedia
PreQ1 riboswitch — The PreQ1 I riboswitch is a cis acting element identified in bacteria which regulates expression of genes involved in biosynthesis of the nucleoside queuosine from GTPcite journal | author = Roth A, Winkler WC, Regulski EE, Lee BW, Lim J, Jona I … Wikipedia
Cyclic di-GMP-II riboswitch — Consensus secondary structure of cyclic di GMP II riboswitches Identifiers Symbol c di GMP II Rfam … Wikipedia
SAM riboswitch (S box leader) — The SAM riboswitch (also known as the S box leader and now also called the SAM I riboswitch) is found upstream of a number of genes which code for proteins involved in methionine or cysteine biosynthesis in Gram positive bacteria. Two SAM… … Wikipedia
Mesoplasma florum riboswitch — Predicted secondary structure and sequence conservation of MFR Identifiers Symbol MFR Rfam … Wikipedia
SAM riboswitch (alpha-proteobacteria) — The SAM II riboswitch is a RNA element found predominantly in alpha proteobacteria that binds S adenosyl methionine (SAM)cite journal | author = Corbino KA, Barrick JE, Lim J, et al | title = Evidence for a second class of S adenosylmethionine… … Wikipedia